Fair Play for Deaflympic Athletes: Post-election Alliance Building and Advocacy

“Amidst election preparations, the #FairPlayforDeafAthletes campaign highlights the need for equitable funding, showing significant backing from the British Sign Language community.”

Over the past 6 months there has been an online petition to change the UK government policy to fund Deaflympic athletes that garnered 8,333 signatures, which fell short of the 10,000 needed for a government response and the 100,000 required for a parliamentary debate. This petition closed on the 20th May deadline this week.

Let’s consider the merits of this petition using percentages to better illustrate the support within the context of the UK population and the British Sign Language (BSL) community:

UK Deaf Sport’s delegation to the Sports Minister 13th May 2024

 Proportional Representation and Advocacy

1. Population Context:

   – The UK has a population of approximately 60 million people. Within this population, around 175,000 individuals are sign language users ranging from those who use it as their first language and others who have required it by learning the language and being exposed to and involved in Deaf community activities such as Deaf sport. This group includes deaf, hard of hearing and hearing individuals.

   – The 8,333 signatures represent about 0.014% of the total UK population. This may seem like a small percentage, but it’s more significant when viewed within the context of the BSL community.

   – Within the BSL community, 8,333 signatures equate to roughly 4.8%. This demonstrates a strong level of support and engagement from the BSL community itself.

2. Awareness and Mobilization:

   – The campaign successfully mobilized nearly 5% of the BSL community, indicating a high level of concern and commitment to the issue within this group.

   – However, to reach the thresholds set for government responses or parliamentary debates, the campaign needs to extend its reach beyond the immediate community to garner broader public support.

3. Legitimacy of the Petition:

   – Despite not meeting the required thresholds, the petition shows substantial support from a dedicated community, highlighting the legitimacy and urgency of the issue.

– The 10,000 and 100,000 thresholds are 0.0167% and 0.167% respectively of the UK population

– The 8,333 signatures are 4.8% of the UK’s BSL community.

   – This level of support within a specific community suggests the issue deserves attention and should not be dismissed due to the overall percentage being small in the context of the entire UK population.

Map from the petition website showing signatures represented EVERY constituency of the UK except one. The darker shading showing signatures with higher % of each area.

 Implications of the Government Shutdown for the General Election due on 4th July 2024

1. Impact on Current Advocacy:

   – With the government shutdown for the General Election campaign, parliamentary activities will be paused, delaying any immediate action on the petition.

   – This period can be challenging for advocacy efforts as the focus shifts to election campaigns.

2. Strategic Opportunities:

   – The election period presents an opportunity to engage with MPs and candidates, pressing them to include support for Deaflympic funding in their election platforms.

   – This can be a strategic moment to bring the issue to the forefront and secure commitments from candidates.

 Options and Next Steps for #FairPlayforDeafAthletes

1. Lobbying and Advocacy:

   – Engage with political candidates and parties to secure pledges of support for Deaflympic funding.

   – Organize meetings, write letters, and use social media to highlight the importance of this cause during the election period. https://ukdeafsport.org.uk/fairplayfordeafathletes/

2. Public Awareness Campaign:

   – Increase the visibility of the campaign through media outreach, collaborations with other advocacy groups, and public demonstrations.

   – Share personal stories of Deaflympic athletes and the impacts of funding shortages to garner public sympathy and support.

3. Future Petitions and Partnerships:

   – Consider launching another petition after the election, with strategies to surpass the required thresholds.

   – Partner with broader disability and sports organizations to expand the support base and increase reach for future petitions.

4. Direct Engagement with Elected Officials:

   – After the election, engage directly with newly elected MPs to advocate for policy changes and secure their commitment to supporting Deaflympic athletes.

   – Identify supportive MPs who can champion the cause within Parliament and help drive policy changes.

Signing Off

While the petition did not meet the required signatures, it demonstrated strong support within the BSL community, representing nearly 5% of this group.

The upcoming election provides a critical opportunity to push the #FairPlayforDeafAthletes agenda by engaging with candidates and raising public awareness.

By leveraging this period strategically and building broader alliances, the campaign can continue to advocate for equitable funding for Deaflympic athletes.